Career-Related Relocation Checklist

When relocating, there’s a lot to consider — especially when both household and career moves are involved. It can feel a little overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Leading Vegas Realty provides a checklist with some tips to help you plan what needs to occur, and in what order, to ensure a successful move that saves you time and money while minimizing stress.

Decide Where to Relocate

If you’re in the market for a new home, consider the proximity to your children’s school and your new workplace. You may also consider renting a house or apartment while you search for a property to buy, as that will give you time to acclimate to the area. It’s important to research average rental prices and amenities available for the various rentals in order to discover an affordable and safe neighborhood for you and your family. You can work with a real estate agent from Leading Vegas Realty to help you find your new home while you rent.

Create a Moving List

There are several tasks you can begin to make your move as stress-free and successful as possible. To help stay focused, don’t forget to break larger tasks into smaller ones that can be managed in a few quick days or hours. This will help you maintain momentum with your planning.

Timeline: 1 to 2 Months Before Your Move

Start searching the internet for your new home. It may help to speak with local real estate agents at your new location. In addition, if you are not driving, schedule your car shipping service. As soon as you have an address for your new residence, log into insurance and credit card accounts and change your address.

Check into moving companies to determine which one has an opening at your move time, what services they offer, and how long they’ll need to load your household. If you prefer a more hands-off method, suggests hiring a move manager.

Timeline: 2 Weeks Before Your Move

Make sure the utilities are working at your new location. You’ll also want to contact your local post office to request that they forward your mail to your new residence. Choose which credit card you plan to use en route and call the company to let them know you’ll be using it during your trip so they can remove any fraud alerts that may cancel transactions while you’re traveling. Setting up an online account with a bank that conducts business in your new city will save time when you get there.

Timeline: 1 Day Before Your Move

A good night’s sleep goes a long way toward relieving your stress. To make your first night in your new home as stress-free as possible, pack an essentials bag with everything you’ll need for the first night. Items to consider are sleepwear, medications, essential paperwork, and toiletries.

Pack anything your children and family pet may need en route. Some items to consider are snacks and water. A pillow and blanket will keep the kids comfortable and calm. An electronic device that plays movies will give them something to do while keeping them entertained.

Avoid Relocation Mistakes warns that packing too early can lead to not having items you need. On the other hand, packing too late can result in you not being ready for your moving company upon their arrival. Clearly marking your boxes while packing will also help make unpacking easier.

Moving and Your Job

People often move for a new job, or relocate for a new position within their company. However, if you are moving for other reasons, you’ll need to have a job lined up in your new city. Before you go applying through all of the available job search sites, make sure that your resume is updated and in premium condition. A free resume builder is a great way to go as it has all of the formatting built in. You can choose from a variety of templates and find the one that best suits your personality and your industry.

If you are a business owner, you’ll have more things to consider. Moving your business can be a complicated and stressful process. Whether you are expanding to a new location or simply moving to a different office, there are many factors to consider in order to get everything up and running smoothly. You will need to determine what supplies and equipment you will need to pack up, as well as how you will transport and store these items. You may also need to plan out the logistics of relocating employees and finding temporary accommodation for them during the move. If you’re moving from out of state, you’ll need to register your business as well. Working with a formation service is more affordable than hiring an attorney.

Stick with a Plan for Peace of Mind

Moving can be stressful, but it won’t be so overwhelming if you tackle a few items from your list daily. Pay attention to things that need to be done in advance, so that you are not left without essential items when you arrive. And take special caution when handling the logistics of either finding new employment or moving your business at the same time. Once you’ve arrived, attending special events – as well as renting to get a feel for your new locale – in your new city will help you and your family quickly feel at home.

Danny Knight, DIY Specialist
[email protected]